Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When you want to move on but...

some people just won't go away.

For months now I have been dealing with someone who copied the name of my blog, this blog. Not just anyone, a company the same as Grace Announcements.

A few months ago I posted a couple of frustrations on my blog. Within a few weeks I had found another company who stole my images and used them as her own on her website and a competitor who was using the same name as my "the mom behind the designs" blog for her blog name. When I wrote the post about it but I didn't include her name, her company name or a link to her site so there was no way to know exactly who I was talking about unless you knew her directly. Because at that time if you searched her blog name it didn't show up. Well she, who doesn't visit my websites or blogs {sorry I know you do and you did more than you said you did!} sends this childish email calling me unprofessional for my post and her sloppy seconds. Me unprofessional... her calling me her "sloppy seconds"... hmm I wonder who is unprofessional? She says how she didn't know she was using the same name as my blog; she says the only time she was on my blog was when I had my daughter back at the beginning of 2007. After my blog was named “the mom behind the designs”, yet she didn't notice it. She didn't notice the HUGE banner at the top that said The Mom Behind the Designs. I started using that name in 2006; she didn't until the end of 2008. So I look back through my traffic stats and there were regular visits from her little town on a regular basis. She goes on in her emails about my copying her and how much my work sucks, etc. She flat out says she will NOT stop using the name on her blog. I don't like her pushing herself as my “name”. It can become very easy for people to get confused when you have two mom's both of whom are designers, both of whom have the same business, both of whom blog about their life. She might as well change her name to Lindsay!! I posted the email she sent me, and I got a nasty email from either her in hiding or a friend of hers. They brought up again how much my work sucks and how people go to her instead of me. That it was horrible for me to do this to her and they felt so bad for her, yet I had still never posted who she was. How could all these people know her if I didn't say who it was? I decided to step back, at the time I was dealing with some personal issues and really didn’t feel like being brought down further by her childish behaviour. Well last week I got a comment on my blog (I didn't realize that I had allowed anonymous comments) about how my copied designs sucked and they were emailing my competition. I know again it was her; she visited my blogs and website 10 times that day.

I really wondered if others thought that posting that was wrong and unprofessional so moved past it. But then last week I get that blog comment. I know I can't make everyone happy and I don't ever expect to. You either like me and my work or you don't. If you don't move on, you will not succeed with trying to bring me down. I could care less about what you think! Call me your sloppy seconds or whatever else you can come up with, I don't care and you won't win this childish game with me.


jennifer said...

FYI a blog stalker is called a troll, maybe right for this incident huh??? Never do I think any of your ideas are lacking, I think they are excellent!

paperlili said...

oh how I feel your pain. It is always the same story isn't it? So pathetic really. And sad. But apparently this happens to everyone these days. Thats just sick!

I am totally in love with your designs. How anyone can say they suck is a fool. I think they are adorable and original and I will be placing an order;)
