Monday, May 25, 2009


I am always plagued with the issue of privacy and my online business. This blog is a love hate relationship for me right now. I started this a long time ago to share with all of my followers, I wanted parents out there (my customers) to know that being a parent is amazing and hard all at the same time. When I first became a mom I was the only one I knew with kids. I felt very alone and had lots of questions. So I share because I want other moms out there who might feel the same way to know they are not alone.

Well because of this I put myself out into the open. 99% of the time I don't mind. But the odd time I get people who visit this blog regularly for other reasons. Those are the people who make me hesitant to post like I want to. Yes I know who visits all of my websites. I go to blogs because I like them. I love reading about others lives, that is what makes me visit them regularly. Well I am sure these 1% don't visit mine because they are interested in me. So this holds me back from writing here.

As I assess this blog and my writing on it I look at what is most important to me - my family. I will protect them over anything else and until I feel more comfortable sharing about our life I might not be posting here as often. I am sure just sharing this will make it easier for me to come back and write about my crazy life!