Do you ever wonder what these people get out of creating this junk email? I know there are times when I do. This week has been one of those times, I have received 91 junk emails in the last 24 hours and it takes up so much of my free time. As a mother of 2 under 4, a business owner, and having to take care of my home I certainly don't need to spend the little bit of free time that I have looking through that many junk emails. I have to though, I have to make sure that customers emails don't get lumped into my junk folder.
Now I always get them, I have an online business, it is inevitable, but I hate when I get these spurts of a huge amount. I am not interested in enlarging my penis, seeing naked pictures of Paris Hilton, or great deals on drugs. I don't want all of these but I can't set my control panel for my site to just delete them because I might miss a customers email. I can handle the few that come in during a normal day, but this is to much...
So in all of this frustration I hope that this is not showing me that I am going to have issues with my email, it did the last time. There is nothing worse than not receiving important emails when you have a business like mine. Please bug me if you have sent me an email and I never responded because maybe yours got missed when I was scanning over the 91 emails sitting in my junk folder from just one day!