Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My day with Marie

I got to spend a short time this afternoon with a great photographer who I have admired for a few years now. Marie did a mini shoot of my two and

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am too sick to come in to work today

I pick up the phone and say "I am too sick to come in to work today" but there is no response on the other end. Why would my boss not answer me? Oh wait I don't have a boss who can tell me it is okay to stay home and get lots of rest!

My boss is a 4 year old and a 20 month old, and there is no way that they would ever let me spend the day in bed. Instead they will require 5 meals a day, play time and make sure that there is a lot of extra noise to help make my horrible headache feel much much worse! So here I sit, sick with a horrible cold. No amount of Advil can make me feel even a little better. And I wish I could call in sick. My house looks like a bomb went off in it, but I don't care. I will spend a week catching up on work, my house and laundry.

Oh well what can I do?! I am a mom and that means I work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with no sick days. But I do get lots of hugs and kisses that make up for it. Even if those kisses are what made me sick!!

Do you have any ways that you deal with those horrible cold symptoms? Please share! I use a great homeopathic cough syrup that works wonders and is safe for kids over 2. It is called Stodal by Boiron. When I search their site it is no longer listed but they have Chestal now which looks the exact same. Another great tip I learned a last year is use nipple cream (yes nipple cream - the kind used for breastfeeding!) on the area around your nose. Just make sure that you get nipple cream that is 100% pure lanolin ointment or cream. It lasts through the endless blowing your nose, and if your nose is already sore and raw it will heal it. It really works. Even my husband uses it and he told our son's teacher about it!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The fun parts of being a mom!

Oh I figured my readers would get a kick out of my adventures of being a mom over the last couple of days!

So on Wednesday I notice that Kal had missed the toilet when peeing in the powder room. I was just dealing with Miss E at the time so I forgot about it until later. When I came to clean it I wanted to make sure that it was in fact him and not our sick cat who might have peed there. So I smelled it! It was him. Well I wiped it up and went about my day. The next day I noticed the smell of pee in my mudroom. The powder room is right off of it. I was running out to pick up Kal from school so I had to leave it. Later that day when we got home my mom said it smelled like cat litter in there. I got out the cleaners and a scrub brush thinking maybe it was saturated into the grout around the toilet. The next morning Dave and I noticed it still smelled! So I was talking to my mother in law that morning so I mentioned it to her. She is the mother of 2 boys so she has been in the land of pee all over the bathroom many times! She said to try vinegar. I did and thought I had finally taken care of it. Well this morning it still stinks, and bad! Dave says he thinks it is the floor steamer sitting in the closet beside the bathroom. I take it apart and clean it. Doesn't smell great but certainly doesn't smell like the strong smell of pee I have had to deal with over the last 3 days. I decide to try cleaning the toilet, emptying the garbage and steaming the floors again. When I go to move the step stool and empty the garbage I am thrown back by the yellow liquid in my bathroom garbage can. I call Dave and Kal in and ask Kal if he peed in there. We started to wonder if it really was the cat and if we needed to put him down as he is dying and if he was peeing all over our new house then it was a bad sign. When I told Kal he was not going to get in trouble, I just needed him to tell me the truth so we didn't have to do the "bad" with the cat he confessed. Of course he doesn't tell me why, he is 4! So out goes my entire garbage can into a garbage bag. I sprayed vinegar in the entire bathroom again and then steamed the floors. It finally smells normal again! Man oh man I searched days for what was causing it and the entire time it is sitting in my garage can. What kid pees in a garbage can that is in a bathroom?!! I guess mine does. I just wish I knew why, I am sure it would be an interesting reason as it usually always is with him.

Of course I didn't get mad at him and he got no punishment. We told him he wouldn't because we needed to know if it was him. But we was told that he was never ever to do that again. I think I will be following him for the next little bit!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Those first words

For months I have been working on having Miss E say her brothers name. Don't think I am nuts this little girl says everything. She has sentences like "peak a boo I see you"! She can call both cats by name, Chico and Charlie. She says airplane and bull dozer and outside, I hear raisins 50 times a day (read my post below about the little box, her obsession has gotten worse, and if anyone knows so has her poops!!!) but do you think she would say Kalman? NO! She will repeat anything and everything you say. Not always good so I really have to watch what I say around her. She yells out BOOBIE all the time - that is a whole other post! So for weeks I tried all the time. All we got was mommy, daddy and bobby. Did she think his name was Bobby? We never refer to him as that. Did she want to change his name to that? Was it payback for him picking her name? Was my little miss independant 1 1/2 year old already wanting to change her name and since he picked it she decided to call him Bobby? I don't know. She went around all day saying Ella, she knew her name.

Well one day last week I went to get her from her crib to go pick her brother up from school and she said it! I layed her down to change her bum and told her we had to go pick up Kalman and she said "Kalman" right back to me!! I was so excited! So she finally calls her brother by name. She also calls all the construction workers and kids in the neighbourhood by name.

It reminds me how different your own kids will be. She talks like crazy and is a year and a half and he didn't say more than 3 words until after his 2nd birthday. Now at 4 you can't stop him from talking!!

Now if I could just get her to stop saying boobie...