Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Organization, or lack of it

I have been trying so hard to be more organized. I would think it should be easy, I am the queen of organization after all. But I think I listened to well to the saying "who cares what your house looks like, as long as your kids are happy" and now I find it hard to find the time to have my closets looking like Martha Stewart's.

Can I share a secret? I have always admired her!! Okay there I admit it, I am a Martha Stewart fan. I would watch all of her shows and read all of her magazines before I had kids. I always looked at her for inspiration for my home.

I am not organized like that now, I wish I was, but I am not. Most of my closets have still not been set up and organized. There are still boxes in them. I moved 8 months ago now, so I don't have an excuse. That is one of those items that I need to put on the top of my "to-do list". If I could just find the time to write is down!!

Well I decided I needed to keep track of my time and all of my appointments better. I have a lot of trades in and out doing repairs on our new home, I have clients picking up orders and I have my own personal appointments. I put them all in Outlook and use their great colour categories to keep track of it all. My son is one colour, my daughter another, I am one, my house is one, and business is another. Sounds great right?

Why have I missed the last two workshops at my son's school??? I put them in my calendar, why do I not notice it? Obviously I need to adjust my system, or have a backup calendar or two. Maybe a good old fashioned one in my office and kitchen might help.

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