Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crazy Mad Woman

I am a crazy mad woman right now! (some might say that I am like that all the time)

It is my busy season where I not only have all of my normal orders, but I also have holiday cards. It was a slow go, just like last year, not many people are in the mood for ordering holiday cards before Halloween so it always takes into November for things to get busy. All this is great for business but not so great for the rest.

I miss out on watching many of my favourite shows that I normally watch while working. I don't get out to see friends as much, not that I have many, but it is hard to be stuck in the house all the time. I have not been to the gym in a few weeks, and I am not sure when I might be able to get over, maybe the middle of December when I shut down for a few weeks.

My house is a mad house right now, there are piles of clothes that need to be folded, and even larger piles that need to be washed. Thankfully I have not had to send my son to school with dirty underwear! We have not been eating like I would normally want to, fast and easy is the way to go right now. I can make up for that in the new year when I work to lose the extra 10 pounds that I have gained over the holidays. I have a real sweet tooth.

My kids might watch a little more TV too, bad mommy, I know! But I do what I have to do. It is like fate that my daughter has all of the sudden taken a real liking to watching cartoons. She loves her DVD's, especially Mickey Mouse. Note to self, rent some more videos this weekend for next week as I have memorized every word in the one Mickey DVD we own.

I love creating holiday cards. I love seeing my customers come back each year, seeing how everyone has grown and any new additions. I love Christmas and everything that comes with it. If only I could find the time to decorate my house and bake some delicious cookies. And Christmas shopping, you would think after 4 years of this I would have learned that if I didn't start in the summer then I would be out there with all the other crazy people shopping the last week before Christmas!

To all of my family and friends, I still love ya, really I do! I just might not see you for a few weeks, but honestly I will come up for air and come back to the real world, and Twitter!! I really miss my Twitter time, a few minutes here or there is just not the same. I have so many great friends I have met on there and I am so busy I don't get the chance to chat with them right now.

Okay back to work for me, this post took 2.5 minutes away from some serious design time. And my son is home from school and I want to get a big hug and see how his day was.


Sugar Mags said...

What a great post! Thanks for sharing - it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one with laundry issues right now :)

Liz said...

Oh my. I can only imagine how busy it must be if one of the peak times of your business is in December. Just dealing with the day to day of kids, work and now the holidays is a lot without adding in a surplus of extra orders, however wonderful they might be. Hang in there!