For the past 6 months I have been looking at cars, I knew the lease on my SUV was coming up soon and I needed to decide what I wanted next. For years I had wanted a minivan, but then I started to wonder if I really did.

I mean I only have 2 kids so I don't need it for the seats.
There was only one minivan that I wanted, one that I would drive and call my own, I wanted to buy it 4 years ago when I bought the SUV but I could not stomach the cost of it. I had a toddler, was starting my business and really making no money, and I was pregnant so making more money wasn't an option. So I was practical and bought the SUV for much less a month.
Now last week I get an invite from our local Honda dealership to a special sales event. I have bought 3 of my last 4 new vehicles from them and they knew my lease was coming up. This time I didn't throw the invite into my recycle bin, I made an appointment when they called me. My husband and I headed over, interested in looking at my dream minivan or the new version of my SUV. My husband immediately started talking about the Odyssey, crunching numbers, and pushing them for a better deal. Good thing I have him to do that for me!
What was going to be a short trip to check out numbers, ended up being 5 hours and I was the proud owner of a Honda Odyssey minivan and I was actually excited about it! How could I not be, I had wanted one for years, and look at it

Ok I know, it is a minivan and they can't be sexy, but I can make it sexy and cool, have you seen my shoes?! I can love driving it and everything it offers.
I dream of trips to IKEA and all the stuff I can buy and bring home. I dream of taking Hamma with us to the zoo and not having to take a second car. I dream of long road trips as a family and making great memories. We already have plans to drive it to Buffalo for a Pearl Jam concert in May, and I have already made my rules for the 4 other adults who will be going with us.
Moms (and Dads) who drive theirs and love it tell me how happy I will be. Now if I can just wait for it to be sitting in my driveway. It feels like forever that I have to wait for them to either find the colour I want, or for the other option to be delivered. Do they not know that I don't do well with waiting.