Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I feel lost, and don't know what to do.

I came here to share, to type out something but I just can't get out the words. I can't get past the first line...

So instead I will share points.

1. My son has been dealing with some pretty serious fears the last couple of weeks and it is taking its toll on all of us. He became seriously scared a few weeks back when we were at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. We went on the amazing tour and he loved it. But that night he came screaming through the halls of the condo we were staying in, he was more terrified then I had ever seen before.

2. Now we are home, and he is terrified to be alone. He won't sleep in his room unless we are there with him, and most times he ends up in our room. We tried everything; music, special stuffed animal, light on, etc. Nothing works...

3. It is so bad that one night when we tried to get him to stay in his room he got so upset that it took an hour to calm him down.

4. It breaks my heart that I can't help him, that he doesn't feel safe in his own home. I tell him that we would never let anything happen to him, and to trust me, but he doesn't, and that brings tears to my eyes.

5. I have talked to friends, I have searched the internet, I have looked into every book I own (and I have many parenting books), I talked to his teacher to see if anything is different at school - it isn't. I will keep searching, asking and thinking until I find something to help.

To my dear sweet boy, I am your mom and my job is to take care of you. I am trying, I might make mistakes along the way, but you and your sister are my everything. I promise you that I will do something to make things better.

Now I will go finish watching the episodes of Parenthood that I PVRed and fight back even more tears.

1 comment:

Casey Daleman said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Lindsay. All I can say is this too shall pass. I can't say when, but it will. Keep doing what you are doing and making Kal feel loved and safe. You are a good mom and you will all get through this.