Monday, October 17, 2011

Times are a Changin'

I just finished a jam packed 3 days at Blissdom Canada. And although I didn't leave there getting as much from the sessions this year as I did last I did get some other very important things.

I learned that I am going to blog again and I am going to write about what I want to and not care what people think. For years now (after our world fell apart) I have held back. Worried about what people will think, but not anymore. I need to share, bottling everything up is only hurting myself.

I learned that keeping it all to myself makes me feel like an outsider. I walked around Blissdom wondering who I was and who were all the people around me.

I learned that it is time to take care of myself. Stop caring what others think, care what I think. I just found a post from a year ago where I stated that I didn't recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. WOW if that year ago me saw me now...

I learned that it is going back to basics. I found that in the rat race I lost what it was all about. No more and that excites me!

I learned that I should be darn freaking proud of myself for growing Grace Announcements from nothing to something in 6 years all by myself. October 19th is the 6th birthday for the official website launch.

I learned that I have some amazing people behind me and the ride to the future will be an amazing one with them by my side.

I learned that my kids and husband are the absolute most important things in my life. Without them nothing else matters.

So as I gain my thoughts, and there are so many floating around (I think I probably have 100 blog posts right now) I will start getting them out.

No more wishing I just had someone to talk to.


Sharon said...

Can't wait to hear more from you :)

Yukari Peerless said...

Lindsay, it was so great to see you. Although we didn't have a good long sit-down chat, but I was thinking of you, as we have exchanged some DMs in the past. I'm so glad you are blogging again and yes, don't worry about what others think. I want to hear what YOU think about different things. :) xo

Patricia said...

You are a beautiful person inside and out. Stay true to that and your amazing work. I look forward to hearing more about your journey in life..xoxo

mara said...

I love this. I feel like I saw you going through these emotions this week. I am totally looking forward to reading you let loose!!

melissa said...

So happy for you that you've come to this conclusion for yourself. Bottling emotions and thoughts is never a good thing. Write it all out!

Alexandria said...

You KNOW I'm here for you, friend. Go, Lindsay, go! xox

Redneck Mommy said...

I'm so glad you came away from Blissdom Canada with this. Because this is what I came away with too.

I was inspired to write and to be me. Everything else just didn't seem as important to me.

alimartell said...

Not enough time with you. That is all.


Lara Galloway said...

So glad you're trusting yourself and sharing yourself, Lindsay! Hugs to you :)

Rossana said...

Looking forward to hearing more from you Lindsey, we never have/find the time to really talk when we see each other- hope we do next time!
Happy 6th Birthday tomorrow! Congrats on doing so well. :)

CynthiaK said...

Looking forward to reading all of your upcoming posts that are ready to burst.

I wish I could have spent more time getting to know you better there.

Sara said...

I'm looking forward to reading more blog posts :) I walked around feeling like an outsider, not because of anything anyone did but because of where I'm at right now. It's a hard place to be.

Mel Gallant said...

That is so great that you've found your blog footing and have decided to be fearless in the pursuit to write what you want. I'm taking some of that advice myself. Wish us both luck!