Monday, July 28, 2008

Bye bye my new mommy body the WiiFit way

I know my kids are not really babies anymore. Technically I think they are a preschooler and a toddler, but I am not sure of the age to lingo so I might be off. I have been saying for years that I need to do something about this extra weight I am still holding on to like my favorite pair of Lululemon pants. Hey who can blame me they make my ass look great! Prior to kids I had a body type that I had since I was 14 years old. I could eat what ever I wanted, do nothing and I was still the same size. Size 0... I know you are all hating me right now.

But then I got pregnant and had to eat a dessert after every meal. I loved sweats and meat which is big for me because I am not a lover of either. My only weakness is chocolate chip cookies, a chocolate almond bar, and Dibs. But when I was pregnant I wanted it all and all the time. I gained 61lbs! So had the baby, lost a little weight but still carried a lot around with me.

Then I got pregnant with number 2. Still up 30lbs from my before kids body. I was so sick for 5 months that I only gained 16lbs that pregnancy. The day after giving birth I was at 2o extra pounds from before kids. Better then before but still not great! It never budged.

Could it have been my love of food? Could it have been my lack of trying? Could it have been that I didn't work out? I think it was all of those things!

I tried changing my diet and have made some great improvements. I tried working out. Could not join a gym but picked up some great workout videos. Carmen Electra's Strip Tease was one of them. I figured this would be great, it could help me with many things:

1. Make me feel sexy, something I was really lacking.
2. Bring back my love of dance, after all I was a trained dancer.
3. Allow me to get in some physical activity.

Well I don't think it did any of those things! I tried and tried, many times over many weeks but it did nothing but get me down. It showed me that:

1. I had no coordination or rhythm left in my trained to be a dancer body.
2. It made me feel nothing but sexy, the jiggly flab and feeling like I had no coordination to follow her simple moves made me feel like an old hag!
3. I did get some physical activity in but it was mostly from pulling my one and a half year old son off the banister.

So I did walk, but then winter came. I bought a treadmill but it got placed in my basement and never used because my house was for sale and it took up too much room in my bedroom. This spring we started riding our bikes. Miss E makes that hard as she hates her bike helmet and cries the entire time. Hey who can blame the girl? I hate mine too, it ruins my hair and I feel like a real loser wearing it (don't ask me why because I don't know). But we are trying to set a good example for our kids and how easy is it to make them wear something when you don't.

Well I think the best thing I could have done was let my husband buy me the WiiFit. At first I didn't use it, we were only a couple of weeks away from moving and there was not a lot of room for it and didn't really want to set it up and then have to move it. Maybe it was just another excuse, I am good at those!

Well then we moved, he set it up and we got started. Man this thing is the best! I love how easy it is to use. It is fun to use this that I don't feel like I am working out. But I am, it really works. I remember one night doing a bunch of the leg exercises and then Miss E woke up so I had to climb the stairs to her room. I had to push my ass when I got half way!

There are a few things that really make you work up a sweat. My new favorite that really makes me feel it afterwards is the rhythm boxing. Oh and I do still have rhythm because I can do this! I love the yoga. It is a great way for me to start off and relax after a day of working and taking care of the kids. I am a pro at the ski jumping, there isn't a person who has been able to beat my score - except me!

It is also great to do with other people. We have friends come over and we all do it together. It makes it seem less like working out.

So if I can just figure out a way to get it done while my kids are around since Miss E wants to step on the board while I am in the middle of a yoga pose. Mr K loves it too, but he will wait his turn. I need more then just working out at night after the kids go to bed. But for now that is what works. I sit here - tired and sore. My legs are jello from the squats, my arms and shoulders hurt from boxing, and I don't feel like getting up. But I did get in 30 minutes of working out thanks to my new best friend... my WiiFit!

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