Thursday, November 20, 2008

9 Years and Counting

9 years ago today I got married to my best friend. Amazing when I think about how much time has gone by, 9 years is a long time! In that time we have bought two homes, started two businesses, had two children - seems like we do things in twos!! We have been through a lot together, some good and some bad, but that is what friends are for. I think that is one of the things that keeps us going is that we are always there for each other no matter what life throws at us.

I am sure like many marriages things have not always been like our honeymoon. Having kids was hard, but then I realized that I was pregnant with Miss E right around the "seven year itch"! Gosh I am a hormonal mess during and after pregnancy so I give kudos to my hubby for still loving me through all of that. We have dealt with family issues, financial issues, health issues, and more. But we are still here going strong 9 years later. This morning as we sat around wondering how we were going to deal with the fact that they have to rip apart the entire downstairs of our brand new home to replace the subfloor, I turned to him and said Happy Anniversary! This is our life and we will go through it together.

I am blessed to have such an amazing man in my life. He supports me in everything I do and I support him in most things he does, as long as they are good for me!! He is and always has been my best friend. He has been through some really amazing things with me and I look and think of how lucky I am to have a man who loves me even more now then he did before. How he could tell me how beautiful I am after all of the physical changes I have gone through, and after all of the scary things he has seen - I am lucky!! Oh and he is learning that the woman is ALWAYS right, and even when she is wrong she is RIGHT!!!!

The one thing I have learned over the last 9 years is that I can't change him. My mother in law always told me that men have to be changed, well she was wrong. There is no changing my man! He is who he is and I have to love him for that.

I love you Dave and thanks for 9 unforgettable years, and here is to many many many more!

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