Sunday, March 15, 2009

To the Doctor or not?

That I feel has been a question in my mind for months now. As many of you know I have struggled this past winter with a number of illnesses and it just seems like my body can't recover. I am not a fan of doctors and I don't like running to them for every little thing. I think if I was not sick in the first place I sure will be when I leave the doctors office!

Miss E has barely gone since she was born. My wonderful midwives cared for her first 6 weeks and then I just took her in when I had to. Her vaccinations have been all over the place as I am still not sure how I feel about them. Yes I gave every single one to my son and I feel bad about it. I was a new mother and I trusted in my health professionals to take care of him. Is that not what they should be there for after all? Well I started to learn better and I can't take back his but I can do what I feel best for her. I will never not vaccinate my kids, but I will do it in my own time. I have a really great friend who has a son with Autism and it is heart breaking to how she feels responsible and that vaccines are the reason for his change. I count my blessings every day that my children were the lucky ones.

Ever since I returned from my wonderful sunny vacation I have been dealing with this cold that is more of an aggravation then anything. Well a couple of weeks ago it turned into this cough. Both kids were sick with colds so I didn't get a lot of sleep. Kal will cough all night long but sleep right through it, it just keeps me awake. Miss E will not sleep. She is a horrible sleeper, and nothing I do about it will change anything. If she is sick, or dealing with anything (I will have to share our kitchen chair fall one day) she sleeps horribly. That means I don't sleep and when I don't sleep I get run down and then it seems I get sick. I am the type that needs 8 hours of sleep a night, or else I am not someone you want to be around!

This cough has not gone away, it has kept me from the gym, and keeps me awake most of the night. Thankfully it doesn't wake up the kids! I am sad that I can't work out. I tried going to yoga on Thursday night but had to leave halfway through the class because as soon as I went into downward dog I started coughing and could not stop. I didn't want to disrupt the class. I am really missing the gym, it is a great outlet for me. I would normally do pilates on Monday's but I can't do it, unless I spend the hour hacking up a lung. I am not sure what else I can do about my cough, I have tried everything but nothing seems to help. I don't want to go to the doctor for just a cough. Maybe if I am still like this in a couple of weeks I might re-think things but for now I am going to just try to deal.

If anyone has any tips for helping a horrible cough let me know. I am open to try anything!

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