Friday, October 9, 2009

Giving Thanks!

With the beginning of our Thanksgiving weekend I figured I would take a moment to give thanks to what matters most. I am thankful for:

1. An amazing husband who helps me every day and allows me to be the person I want to be. I would not be the woman I am without him! And he puts up with my crazy mood swings!! ;)

2. My two amazingly beautiful children who love me no matter what I do or say. For their hugs and kisses and for their laughter which can make any grey day seem bright.

3. My mom, who has been a great friend and even though we have had out tough times I still know that she is proud of the woman and mother I have grown up to be.

4. My dad, who has always made me aware of how much I mean to him and how much he loves me. And that we had a chance to dance together a couple of weeks ago at my big brothers wedding. We need to do that more!

5. The amazing friends that I have. Without your support and encouragement I think I would have folded many times over.

6. Twitter for giving me a social life again, oh and I can chat with real live adults during the day!

7. My amazing business which keeps me busy and feeling like I have purpose every day! I didn't now where it would go when I first started, and I am amazed most days at where it has gone.

8. My customers who allow me to share in their special moments and share their kind words about how much they love my work.

9. The amazing business women that I have meet over the years, and created some wonderful friendships with. You are my rocks!

10. My beautiful home that I have, it was a dream and now it is a reality. Thanks Hun!

11. My son's amazing teachers, I wish there was a way to thank them for how amazing they are and how much they genuinely love my son. Oh and they keep him busy and learning about binomial cubes all day.

12. Lululemon because they really do make my ass look great!!

13. Chocolate, it is my best friend and lover and it doesn't care that I give so much of myself to others. It never asks for anything in return!

14. Nap time, because it takes the crabby little girl and brings back my wonderful happy little girl.

15. Professional photographers who help show me the real me and how beautiful I am, instead of the me I see when I look in the mirror.

16. Spanx which help hide the muffin top that I have gained from slacking off at the gym over the summer.

17. A husband who works hard every day (even if it is now from home too) so that I can treat myself to some Lululemon from time to time!

18. To Butterball for selling a pre-stuffed cook from frozen turkey so I can still have a great dinner without all the work. I love Martha Stewart, but I have come to the realization that I am not her!

19. For the large floor space in my bedroom so when I "forget" to fold the laundry it has somewhere to go and I can still walk around.

20. For the need to go to the bathroom, because without it I would never get a chance to read. ;) And to 2 of my favourite authors - Kathy Buckworth & Alyson Shafer - for making me laugh and helping me realize that I am not a bad parent. I won't ruin my kids, and it is okay to love my iPhone as much as them. (Sorry Kathy I switched over to the dark side! ;))

I guess some of this might seem crazy, I guess what I should be most thankful for is my amazing family, the roof over my head, my health, and that I can put food on my table. Those are the things that matter most - without them the rest really wouldn't matter the same.


Lindsay said...

I am also thankful for WestJet, they are such an amazing company and after a short delay leaving for Florida they gave us a credit for each ticket of almost half the fare. Now that is an amazing company and an airline that really cares about their customers!!

Kathy Buckworth said...

Wow that is just the nicest thing I've heard in a long time. So glad I can make you laugh and so great to meet you last week. Have a terrific long weekend. Cheers, Kathy

CL said...

You are a beautiful person inside and out. I'm so pleased I got the chance you get to know you and now be able to call you my friend! Happy Thanksgiving.