I am the one in the middle, Daddy is the one on the right and she is the one on the left.
So when Daddy got home from dropping of Kal I told her to show him, I was still proud of her drawing, even if I was 10 times the size of him. He asked if that looked like mommy and she held the picture up beside me and said yep. I asked why mommy was so round, and she said "because you are fat"!!!
My husband was sweet and added that Mommy is probably going to the gym this morning! I have to laugh at it, because I am the furthest thing from fat. My husband is bigger than me, sure he is all muscle, but he trains at the gym for 3 hours a day 5 days a week, and he didn't have 2 kids.
Maybe I should ask why Mommy is not smiling...
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